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Best AI Use Cases to Implement

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2 minute read

AI adoption has grown over the last years, bringing about new competitive advantages for cutting edge companies. The world is increasingly driven by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificially Intelligent (AI) solutions and according to the State of AI report of 2021 by McKinsey and Company, AI adoption is most common in services like operations and service development, as well as marketing and sales.

In 2021 AI and ML have seen some important improvements. According to experts, 2022 will be a crucial year for advancements in current breakthroughs and the dawn of new adoptions of products with these technologies. Here we propose the top 5 of AI use cases of this year, that combined with Fyrefuse can enhance the productivity and efficiency of your business.


Use cases

Cloud Migration with AI

Artificial intelligence will play an important role in the cloud adoption journey. Major cloud players in the tech industry provide the possibility to monitor and manage cloud resources and the vast amount of available data. Merging cloud computing and AI will allow users not just to store data, but also to analyze it and draw conclusions from it. Cloud delivery and cloud computing models will help much to shape the use of AI use cases effectively.


Examples of AI applications in sales can involve Sales forecasting and AI-based bots.

In Sales Forecasting AI allows direct and accurate sales forecasts following customer contacts preferences and previous sales outcomes. AI-based bots can be leveraged to coach sales representatives and answer first customers’ questions. This bot will help the client with the most basic and common questions and, in case of further requests, can address the customer directly to a human agent. This will increase efficiency of stakeholders while reducing support overloads.


Hiring managers face many challenges while trying to acquire the best candidates. While the number of applicants increases, the time available to screen a candidate reduces drastically.

Adopting an AI-based solution can help HR employees in various parts of hiring such as finding the best candidates, interviewing them with bots to understand their fit and get a first idea or evaluating their assessment results to decide if they should receive an offer. Moreover, these technologies can help to gain actionable insights and impactful suggestions to monitor KPIs and identify critical areas of the company affected by the lack of performance.


The healthcare industry is among the sectors that can benefit most from artificial intelligence. AI can enhance the development of life‐saving treatments, supporting improvements in patient care. While most of the time is spent on manually managing clinical records of patients, AI can allow professionals to spend more time focusing on the actual treatments. Finally, AI can increase productivity and efficiency of care delivery.

Data collected from different EHRs can be ingested into modern dashboards to gain and exploit insights. Fyrefuse can orchestrate the whole data processing and ingestion into analysis systems or databases. After being analyzed, these data can help to identify infection patterns and highlight patients at risk before they begin to show symptoms.

Finance and fintech

Finance industry benefits from a large amount of data shared among workers everyday. This can help to predict users’ behavior and offer the best possible investment with lower risk, or offer the best loan to a given family. Indeed AI can be adopted to craft modern credit lending applications which use predictive models to uncover potentially non-performing loans before customers apply for it and provide custom-tailored plans.

Another application is related to fraud detection. Machine learning can be used to detect fraudulent financial behavior, and/or use AI to improve general regulatory compliance matters and workflows. Fyrefuse increases the protection of financial data adopting GDPR-compliant governance policies: in this way, all the data can be masked or blurred and be exchanged through the whole company.


The AI trends for 2022 are incredibly promising and prove that accurate data is more valuable to businesses than ever before. However, there’s the need for new technologies able to manage the whole data process, from acquisition to ingestion. We propose Fyrefuse as the best solution for end-to-end data processing, covering a wide range of functionalities from data accessibility and democratization to governance, ingestion and data reuse. Using the power of artificial intelligence combined with Fyrefuse can ensure your business stays ahead of the competition by unleashing the power of data.