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Simplifying Data Governance and Compliance with Fyrefuse

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2 minute read

People are becoming always more aware of the use of their data, leading to a new consideration of the Data Governance dimension in a corporate scenario. Discover how Fyrefuse, an end-to-end DataOps platform, streamlines enterprise Data Governance by leveraging the Agile-oriented DataOps methodology.

Gartner defines Data Security Governance as a subset of information governance that deals specifically with protecting corporate data (in both structured database and unstructured file-based forms) through defined data policies and processes. Of course, it may take a considerable amount of effort and expertise to set up all the procedures on accessibility, policies, data ownership, workflows and collaboration to guarantee compliance. In this blogpost, we will show you how Fyrefuse makes Data Operations secure, automated, code-free and Agile.

Data governance spans the ever-growing number of data stakeholders, processes, and technology that help enable appropriate handling of the data across the business organisation. A proper Data Governance framework can help improve the business’ data quality, boost data management Agility and make the data available without jeopardising compliance.

In order to protect against threats, organizations need to have a clear picture of what data they have, where it comes from, what it means and what security measures need to be taken. Managing data in a structured, responsible, and law-friendly way will make it easier for data stewards and security professionals to set up a reliable data governance framework.img-02

Why organisations cannot afford overlooking Data Governance

With growing volumes of enterprise data being collected and stored, the risk of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) disclosure increases drastically. A PII is any data that could potentially be used to identify a particular person. These data should be accessed only on a strictly need-to-know basis and stored with extra care.

Moreover, as almost every country adopts some data protection legislation, the most influential regulations aimed to protect user data are GDPR and CCPA. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the European regulation and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is the American regulation to enhance privacy protection in California. Both define minimum standards on data protection, and failure to follow them often results in massive penalties.

Other common problems when dealing with enterprise data governance are:

  • Large volumes of data. Whether it’s IoT, social or other relevant data, companies’ data flows tend to increase exponentially.
  • Unavailable data and undocumented flows. Without an efficient Data Governance framework in place, data often stays invisible and hidden in silos, while tedious data request procedures and ungoverned flows disrupt productivity and trust.
  • How to deal with pseudonymization methods? How to apply different policies for different kinds of data?

How Fyrefuse streamlines Data Governance and makes Data Operations secure by design

Fyrefuse provides an automated approach to Data Governance covering all the features regarding accessibility, permissions and anonymisation policies.

Fyrefuse classifies data in five accessibility levels and allows data stewards to identify sensitive data and PII across all data sources. Data stewards can choose from various embedded automated anonymisation methods such as masking, tokenization, scrambling, blurring or encryption, and apply policies at scale in minutes.

A network of detailed logs and dashboards provides end-to-end transparency about actual data movements and transformations for users to get the result they trust.

Regulatory compliance no longer hinders data democratisation as Fyrefuse orchestrates secure data management through automated workflow and strict user roles with granular permissions making data accessible to the right people.

As data regulations become more stringent, organisations cannot rely on a command-and-control approach anymore, and need an automated holistic framework that spans people, processes and technology. Fyrefuse provides a wide set of tools to automate data governance at scale and safeguard your customers’ trust both today and tomorrow.